Sunday, June 21, 2015

The Most Common Symptoms of Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth appear when you are about 17 years old. Sometimes called "third molars", one can have four wisdom teeth, but some people have. The main problem with them is they grow up, even when there is not enough space in the jaw for them. Thus, the teeth become affected and this ultimately leads to problems such as gum infections and tooth decay. Some of the symptoms associated with this set of teeth presented.

A tooth may cause unruly test pericoronities (localized infection) arising around the problem area. This causes pain.
Because space constaint, wisdom teeth may get caught. The end result is irritation and discomfort.
Sour nausea and throat: When pericoronitis spreads, ready to sour throat or nausea.

body temperature may increase and the game of fatigue, not because pericoronities.
Difficulty swallowing: One of the most common symptoms of judgment teeth problems is difficulty opening the jaw and swallowing.

Infection around the wisdom tooth can cause pus form around the gum.
Swelling of the face: facial swelling, throat and ear can occur when teeth erupted at certain angles. But the inflammation may be due to pericoronitis also worsened.
*Lymph glands swollen

Patients may experience pain in your throat. This is because the affected teeth had wreaked havoc in the lymph nodes under the jaw.
*Inflammation of the gums: 

When the wisdom tooth erupts, the gum can become inflamed.
*Cysts or tumors: 

cysts or tumors can form around the wisdom teeth, but what is happening is rare.
*Brushing Difficulties:

If you have trouble flossing and brushing, it is very possible that your wisdom tooth is its ugliness.
*Chewing problems: the wisdom tooth can eventually lead to mouth ulcers. When this happens, chewing becomes a Herculean task.
*Pain oh pain: 

In addition to jaw pain, be prepared for headaches too.
*Dirty Mouth:

 the infected wisdom teeth can cause bad breath.

5 Impacted Wisdom Teeth Symptoms

Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to grow and develop normally at the age of 20 or 25, so they are considered wiser. A normal adult will spend four wisdom teeth, two on the bottom and two on top. A wisdom tooth is a tooth that has not grown completely out of the gum. Impacted teeth can cause a lot of pain and other complications if not detected early and treated properly. If you have not received your wisdom teeth, however, they are in the age group of 20-25, and you experience any of the following five wisdom teeth, who would you rather see a dentist and receive adequate medical attention.
A symptom is pain. If you experience pain in the back of the jaw, wisdom tooth can not be growing properly, either because there is not enough space in the jaw for them, or which are more and more towards the opening of the mouth, which can cause your bad back molars.
Symptom two is red and swollen gums around the teeth. When the affected teeth, gums swell, mainly due to infection. Swelling around the infected area is common and causes pain and redness in the gums. If this continues, it can also cause damage to other other molars.
Sometimes you may also have swollen lymph nodes, which are affected by the impacted teeth. Sometimes your wisdom tooth is not any other problem that has not grown up enough to cut through the gum line can cause this inflammation of the lymph nodes.
Another common symptom of insufficient growth of the teeth is a bad taste in your mouth when you bite into something close to the affected area.
Symptom number five may experience headaches. Inflammation of the gums and other dental problems can common cause headaches, but headaches are rarely the only symptom of wisdom teeth.If you experience these symptoms, you can schedule an appointment with your doctor or dentist immediately. The sooner you catch the symptoms and consult a doctor, the sooner you can resolve the issue. If you allow the symptoms persist may inadvertently damage more serious and sometimes irreparable in the gum tissue or other teeth. Regular appointments with your doctor or dentist can help prevent many impacted teeth problems.